On My Own.....:(
Lauren left this morning at 7:30 am to go to Dwelling Places. Once again, had she been more awake I think she would have been excited. She will be staying there overnight, with 2 other young ladies (I think from the UK) and then will bring them back with her on Wednesday Night, where we will all stay at the Lewis Home until we head out Thursday morning for 2 day Safari Trip. So... .big, big prayer request... GREGG... .5 women in the house... I think 3 women in the house has been tough on him, although he is being a trooper and likes to get us into "discussions" (man's word for what they think are positive arguments) about different things. Lauren does much better then I do, as she is schooled in debate... .I throw in my 2 cents every once in a while, but that is seriously what it is worth... 2 cents. So now we will have 2 more ladies coming for the night. Unfortunately for him Matoke Inn (the AIM guest house here) is closed for electrical work!
And their house is very nice, but small... so the 2 guests will probably sleep in the living room and then we'll be back in the small bedroom... showers should be interesting as I think the electricity is now off during the day and comes on at 10 pm... so this morning we ran out of hot water... .the water is on, so we have plenty of it... but the electricity I guess was not on long enough to heat up the tank. But Karen and Gregg really do have a very cute house which sits on top of a 2 car garage and is within walking distance to the office... so it is perfect for them... it may just NOT be perfect for 4 girls to stay with them :) But missionaries are told to be ready to suffer, so I'm sure Gregg will make it through just fine!
But... while Lauren is off holding babies and ministering to children, I now will HAVE to buckle down and get some stuff done in the office. We were in the office yesterday afternoon while Gregg and Karen were in their weekly "staff meeting" I guess (lasts 4 hours--so more like an elder meeting :)!! ), and I was going to start going through more files, but the DeTombes were here checking their email. We had met them on Sunday during the AIM day of prayer where we took care of the children.
(the picture is of Anna and Katrina Carpenter two adorable MKs with Audrey Wollcott, the 19 year old that we have hung out with a few times since being here!). Anyway... the DeTombes, Cynthia and Jon have a 6 week old son, named William. They came to Africa in January and when asked if she should take a pregnancy test before getting some drug, she laughed, but then thought she probably should just rule it out... and low and behold she was pregnant. They have to be 25 or younger, and William was born here in Africa. So I am just amazed at them. So many young couples in the states today are scared to let you hold their new born, or have them around tons of people... Cynthia hands him over to Lauren and me just excited to share in the joy!!! There is definitely a missionary thought process I think... and if any missionaries are reading this, I hope this doesn't sound rude, b/c I truly think it is amazing and very God-focused. But even Audrey's mom, Debbie Wolcott told us that when Audrey was young, she got sick with a type of malaria and almost died... she's had a hard time ever since... but she never once mentioned thinking about leaving the field. Audrey has left RVA and is trying to complete high school from Uganda, with RVA sending her materials... but she has never once mentioned that she thinks she should be in the states. God is not less powerful in Africa... and despite what I may think, He is not put off at all about not having the "best" doctors or hospitals. If God wants to take someone home to be with Him, it does not matter if they are in Uganda (where there are some good hospitals, right Russ?), or Congo (not sure what is there) or Delaware... no matter of skilled human will keep God from doing His will... .whether that is to keep us alive or to take us home. Our human minds think that somehow we have a "better chance" if we are by sophisticated hospitals, but I'm learning more and more that if I truly believe that God is in control and sovereign, then quite honestly I'm not helping myself by thinking that I am in charge of my own safety or well being... or even success. This of course, does not mean that we should not use the tools that God has given us... but for those who have felt called to serve in Africa, those tools are here, unless after much prayer they feel that God is leading them back to their home country. What seems like an automatic to me (child is very ill... get somewhere that will know exactly how to heal them), its a prayer item that they are searching out to God (IF you would have us go Lord, please show us the way). And when Lauren and I discuss it, we sort of think its like moving out of Delaware b/c someone there gave you the measles or chicken pox... I know it's more extreme, but these missionaries know they are on the field by God's grace AND direction... so it is in God's hands. The DeTombes are a young couple, getting ready to go one of the islands and minister... and they couldn't be happier. We had just a great time hanging out with them and talking. Lauren has even come up with a GREAT project for our youth group--so get ready(it may mean some work and sacrifice for some of you) Something that we hope everyone will be excited to participate in, b/c if we were able to accomplish it, it would encourage Jon and Cynthia so much... but I'll let her tell you about it.
Godfrey is the man who can do anything here at the mission compound. If you need something, you call Godfrey. He has a great smile and also has a habit of putting flowers in the office every week. Right now he is standing in the office helping one of the boda drivers purchase some Bibles. Godfrey has a wife and kids at home, and I think he is a Christian... he is just a bright part to every morning, b/c when you come in, he always tries and comes from wherever he is to say "good morning!"
So, Karen is back from dropping off Lauren at Dwelling Places, so I need to get to work and help her!! Please pray for that... that I will be able to do as much for her as possible and encourage her. I feel that I've been able to help other people, and are scheduled to help some others with publisher and stuff..but I haven't done much for Karen yet... .so please pray that I will be able to do that... .I don't want to leave here and it not have been an encouragement to her ! Also pray for Lauren today as she is ministering and LEARNING at Dwelling Places.
Our days are starting to get numbered and I don't think either of us is ready to come home quite yet!!! So we are trying to get as much into every day as possible! Thank you for all of your comments... it is so much fun to come in every morning and see who has read the blog :)

But... while Lauren is off holding babies and ministering to children, I now will HAVE to buckle down and get some stuff done in the office. We were in the office yesterday afternoon while Gregg and Karen were in their weekly "staff meeting" I guess (lasts 4 hours--so more like an elder meeting :)!! ), and I was going to start going through more files, but the DeTombes were here checking their email. We had met them on Sunday during the AIM day of prayer where we took care of the children.

So, Karen is back from dropping off Lauren at Dwelling Places, so I need to get to work and help her!! Please pray for that... that I will be able to do as much for her as possible and encourage her. I feel that I've been able to help other people, and are scheduled to help some others with publisher and stuff..but I haven't done much for Karen yet... .so please pray that I will be able to do that... .I don't want to leave here and it not have been an encouragement to her ! Also pray for Lauren today as she is ministering and LEARNING at Dwelling Places.
Our days are starting to get numbered and I don't think either of us is ready to come home quite yet!!! So we are trying to get as much into every day as possible! Thank you for all of your comments... it is so much fun to come in every morning and see who has read the blog :)
At 10:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
I've been reading your blog everyday, so I thought I should let you know I'm praying for you.
Don't be discouraged, Kelly, that you are not doing what you expected to do. Remember that God's plans are higher than ours. I'm sure that Karen will be just as blessed that you are helping her co-workers as if you were doing her work. Just commit each day to the Lord and you will accomplish what He has planned.
Love you much,
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